Previously in this series 1: Taking over from failure 2: Approaching a 100th anniversary at Arsenal of mega-importance. 3: The Arsenal that Knighton left behind 4: Knighton is removed 5: A new manager 6: What happened to Chapman at Leeds? 7: Success at Huddersfield, and concern at Arsenal 8. Why did Chapman leave successful Huddersfield 9: Arsenal wait for the right moment 10: Why …
Read More “100 Years since Chapman joined Arsenal part 17: very dubious dealings”
By Tony Attwood 100 Years since Herbert Chapman Joined the Arsenal 1: Taking over from failure 2: Approaching a 100th anniversary at Arsenal of mega-importance. 3: The Arsenal that Knighton left behind 4: Knighton is removed 5: A new manager 6: What happened to Chapman at Leeds? 7: Success at Huddersfield, and concern at Arsenal 8. Why did Chapman leave successful Huddersfield …
Read More “100 year since Herbert Chapman: part 16 – what went wrong at Leeds?”
100 Years since Herbert Chapman Joined the Arsenal 1: Taking over from failure 2: Approaching a 100th anniversary at Arsenal of mega-importance. 3: The Arsenal that Knighton left behind 4: Knighton is removed 5: A new manager 6: What happened to Chapman at Leeds? 7: Success at Huddersfield, and concern at Arsenal 8. Why did Chapman leave successful Huddersfield 9: Arsenal wait for …
Read More “100 Years of Chapman. 15: The making of Huddersfield Town”