On this day: An Arsenal season ticket on sale for £2.10p

    30 June 1884: Tower Bridge was opened.  It was the furthest easterly bridge over the Thames until the opening of the Queen Elizabeth II bridge at Dartford. 30 June 1905: The Kentish Independent published a list of season ticket prices at Woolwich Arsenal – showing a price of £2 2s – about two-thirds …

Arsenal Anniversaries: Chapman was not always a transfer genius

    You may have noticed the article Untold Arsenal is here -for the moment, dancing with Arteta appearing on this site, due to a technical problem with Untold Arsenal.   That’s now been fixed and the article in question appears on Untold, and will shortly vanish from here (unless it has already done so). So, …

Untold Arsenal is here -for the moment, dancing with Arteta

    By Tony Attwood If you are a regular Untold Arsenal reader – and have been for quite  few years – you will know that occasionally we do upgrades that go wrong.  Just like now.  Our site is all set up on its shiny new server, it stops responding.  Just when the tech team …

101 Years Ago Today: Arsenal get the keys to Highbury

  Arsenal anniversaries for 2 June 28 June 1913: Arsenal gained possession of the Gillespie Road site for the first time thus leaving them just 10 weeks before the first match of the season to make the ground ready.  There is no record of the club making any arrangements to have matches played elsewhere in the …

10 years ago today, Arsenal have a major player clearout

    27 June 1908: James Bigden sold to Bury after making 75 appearances in the league and 12 in the Cup for Woolwich Arsenal across four seasons. 27 June 1910: Athletic News carried an article saying Woolwich Arsenal did not yet have a full squad of players, and although this was not a total disaster (since …

When the annual income from the bars at Arsenal was just £110

  Here are today’s anniversaries…. 24 June 1905: Arsenal’s AGM reported the annual income from the rent of the bars in the Manor Ground as £110 5s 0d.  (£110.25 – about £13,000 today) 24 June 1949: Bryn Jones transferred to Norwich as player coach.  He remained there for just two years before returning to north London …

It’s Patrick Vieira’s birthday – plus a run down on his mnagerial jobs

  The anniversaries for today 23 June 1914: The RAF was established. 23 June 1953: Alf Haynes died.  He played 29 games as a centre half under Herbert Chapman.  Later he ran a newsagents in Oxford and wrote a sports column for the local newspaper and kept his connections with Arsenal under Tom Whittaker, acting as a scout. …

99 Years Ago Today: Herbert Chapman became Arsenal manager

  The anniversaries for 22 June.  Today’s headline comes from 1925, 22 June 1893:  The first AGM of Woolwich Arsenal was held under the chairmanship of  Jack Humble; as the club’s first directors were elected ahead of entry into the Football League for the first time.  Humble later took a break as an Arsenal director but …

On this day one of Arsenal’s worst managers and one of Arsenal’s greatest players arrive

      By Tony Attwood We have now got Untold Arsenal back online.  The layout is not perfect as yet but the site is back and functioning, so this site can return to its function of covering Arsenal’s history on this day. 21 June 1919:  Admiral Ludwig von Reuter, fearful that the German fleet might …

On this day Arsenal’s first double winning manager took control

    Apologies if you are also a reader of Untold Arsenal: our upgrade has caused us more problems that we would have liked, but we are back in operation.  You can reach us directly at www.untold-arsenal.co.uk at the moment, or if you go in via untold-arsenal.com you will get redirected.  Hoping to be back to normal shortly …

Arsenal anniversaries for 19 June

    Apologies if you are also a reader of Untold Arsenal: our upgrade has caused us more problems that we would have liked, but we are back in operation.  You can reach us directly at www.untold-arsenal.co.uk at the moment, or if you go in via untold-arsenal.com you will get redirected.  Hoping to be back to normal …

Where did Untold Arsenal go and 110 years ago today

  Also today: one of the most eccentric interviews with a football manager ever – see 1921 Apologies if you are also a reader of Untold Arsenal: our upgrade has caused us more problems that we would have liked, but we are back in operation.  You can reach us directly at www.untold-arsenal.co.uk at the moment, …

4 years ago on this day football returns (and Untold Arsenal)

If you are a regular Untold Arsenal reader and have come here looking for an explanation, we have an upgrade going on, with Untold Arsenal and it is causing some problems.  We hope to be up and running again shortly. Meanwhile here are the anniversaries for 17 June 17 June 1895: William Blyth, the man who …

90 Years Ago Today, Arsenal took on a feeder club

  90 Years Ago Today – today’s headline is from 16 June 1934 16 June 1917:  With newspapers forbidden from writing anything about the war other than (often invented) victories on the battlefield, the local newspaper in Fulham started a long running series of attacks on the Borough’s mayor, Henry Norris following the flooding of local …

Arsenal player Reg Tricker: can you identify the picture – do you have more information?

  We have written about Reg Tricker in the past on this site – a link to the article is below, but in essence we know he came from India, was signed by Chapman and eventually moved on to Margate. We also know that Arsenal had strong links with Margate and used them as a …

Arsenal anniversaries 15 June: Bruce Rioch starts his one season as manager

  Today’s Arsenal’s anniversaries are below – the headline comes from 1995.  There are more details of our articles on the home page and at the bottom of this page. 15 June 1899: George Leavey was elected chair of Woolwich Arsenal.  Through his extensive chain of gentleman’s outfitters including one in Plumstead he became to be a …

Ten years ago today the media claimed Arsenal sold their right to resign Fabregas

    Today’s Arsenal’s anniversaries are below – the headline comes from 1910.  There are more details of our articles on the home page and at the bottom of this page. 13 June 1910: Woolwich Arsenal came to within five minutes of extinction at the AGM of the Football League, as the League executive turned down the idea …

On this day in 1980: Arsenal’s strangest ever transfer

    Today’s Arsenal’s anniversaries.  There are more details of our articles on the home page and at the bottom of this page. 12 June 1945: Pat Jennings born.  In his early years he played for Shamrock Rovers and Newry Unite, and had a spell playing Gaelic football before joining Watford in 1963. 12 June 1946: Bobby …

Arsenal anniversaries 11 June: Chapman becomes manager, Liam Brady joins

    11 June: The day Herbert Chapman arrived at Arsenal as manager, and the day on which Arsenal started to become a serious challenger for football honours Prior to Chapman’s arrival at Arsenal on this day in 1925, Arsenal’s best ever league performance had come in 1908/9 when the club finished 6th.  The season …

On this day 99 years ago, Herbert Chapman met the Arsenal board for the first time

  Today’s headline comes from 1925 10 June 1910: Local press reports in SE London confirmed that Henry Norris was willing to sell his Woolwich Arsenal shares to local people.   But it was also confirmed that the last share issue itself had failed because local people were not taking up the offer.  This failure to buy was …

The rise and fall of the man who split Arsenal in two

  Arsenal’s anniversaries on 6 June Today’s headline comes from the first story below, in 1891. 6 June 1891: Alf Singleton (who was himself a competent referee) was elected top of the poll to the Committee of Royal Arsenal FC.  One year later, as a result of his expression of his views on the future …

On this day Arsenal announce their record signing would be released from his contract

    Details of some of our special reports and investigations into Arsenal’s history are given on the home page.    Our headline story today comes from 2013. 5 June 1903: Fred Dwight signed for Arsenal. He played for Chesham Town from 1899 until 1901 when he moved to Fulham, and then after a further two years moved …

99 years ago, on this day Chapman opened discussions about joining Arsenal

  Today’s headline comes from 4 June 1925 4 June 1902: Joseph Williams born in Rotherham on 4 June 1902, He started playing for Rotherham County and in September 1929 moved to Arsenal making his Arsenal debut in the 5–2 defeat by Aston Villa on 25 September 1929. 4 June 1915: Henry Norris launched a recruitment campaign …

On this day an Arsenal player captained Brazil. Do you know who?

    Today’s headline and the answer is to be found under 2007. Data compiled by Tony Attwood.  Details of some of our special reports and investigations into Arsenal’s history are given on the home page. 1 June 1940: Arsenal 5 Southampton 0 in the final wartime League South “C” Division game.  Because of the abandonment of …