By Tony Attwood
The Arsenal History site has so far started to record three areas of Arsenal History…
1. What happened to Arsenal 100 years ago
2. Supporters’ memories of their first ever time seeing Arsenal live.
3. Special topics (in which we have covered such issues as the rivalry with Tottenham, Arsenal in wartime, the Norris files, Woolwich Arsenal – new insights into the managers – etc etc). There is an index on the home page – just scroll down the page.
Now we are launching a new series – supporters’ memories of being an away fan – your first time, the funniest time, the worst time – anything you want to record.
To join in, just send the following
Your story (ideally as a word file), with your name at the top of it. If you can’t do it as a word file please just put it into the email itself – but a Word file does help me enormously get the setting right.
Your address – which won’t be published.
In writing you’ll be agreeing to the story being published in the Arsenal History site, and in any subsequent book of the site that I might be able to get published one day. I do hope you can join in the project.
Send your emails to
May I suggest another theme for you to consider?
‘Why did you start supporting Arsenal’.
I know you’ll get a lot of family reasons but I think the diversity of reasons might be interesting.