My call for a list of ex Arsenal players who are now journalists, on Untold Arsenal, didn’t bring in much luck. It seems as if I might have to read the wretched press myself to catch up with them.
I’m limiting this list somewhat as so many players are used very occasionally as pundits… what I am really looking for are regulars.
All I have so far is…
Ian Wright (?Sun)
Charlie Nicholas (Sky)
Alam Smith (Telegraph and Sky)
TalkSport and Radio 5 must have a ex-Arsenal player somewhere on their books – or is Ian Wright still there? (Don’t tell me I have to listen to the awful station to find out).
As we must add David Platt to the ex-players in management – he is at Man City.
Please help: which other ex-Arsenal players are regulars in the media for a particular paper or broadcaster.
Tony Attwood
Surely you must know the Romford Pele is on 5 live commentry team, Paul Merson on Sky & I think Perry Groves comments on BBC London
They have the incredibly intelligent and insightful Ray Parlour on Talk Sport. He always backs down and betrays us in the face of the verbal onslaughts sprouted regularly from the likes of Durham, Saggers and Brazil to name just three. The bloke has no backbone, why doesn,t he stick up for his old club and give them some back instead of meekly taking it ? Talkshite also use Groves occasionally. He used to be OK but now he is a copy of Parlour. They also sometimes use G Graham and McKlintock to stick the knife in as well. The only one you hear on Talkshite that fully supports the club and Wenger is Bob Wilson. Coincidentally he is probably the most intelligent as well. Apart from Wison the rest of our ex’s involved in media work are a bloody disgrace.
Lee Dixon and Martin Keown on the BBC.
Charlie Buchan and Bernard Joy 😉
George Allison 😉