We’ve got our own column in the official Arsenal programme this season. Please buy one!

by Tony Attwood

This season the official Arsenal programme will include a column called “Arsenal Uncovered”.

Now as you may know, I edit a blog called Untold Arsenal, as well as this history blog, and the fact that “Uncovered” is going to include quite a few history incidents, and that prefix “Un” appears in both you might start to assume that I have a column in the club programme this year.

And well, not to put too fine a point on it, I do.

The articles are not appearing in any specific historic order – the idea is that they will jump around from one time and one theme to another.   So in each programme you won’t know what you are going to get.

In fact I won’t either because I am writing the articles a little way in advance, so the programme editor can choose which piece goes with which game.

I can say that I have been writing a bit about Arsenal during the second world war, the rarely covered facts surrounding our greatest victory and greatest defeat, how Herbert Chapman reacted to failure, and the time when all the first team were given drugs.

Just everyday things in the history of the club.

I do hope that if you go to the ground for a match you will pick up a programme – and if you do, perhaps you would like to let me know

a) anything I have got wrong

b) any particular subject that you think would make a good story for the series.

At this moment I don’t know for sure if the very first programme for the Emirates Cup will include the first of the series, since Emirates Cup programmes tend to be a little different from the regular games.   Indeed since I can’t make it to the Ems Cup this year I won’t be able to check myself – do let me know if you see one!

I hope you enjoy the series.


Tony Adams latest: he’d like to manage Arsenal

Arsenal History: The Index

Arsenal History: the book of 1910

Untold Arsenal

2 Replies to “We’ve got our own column in the official Arsenal programme this season. Please buy one!”

  1. I hope you continue your series on Refs in the program, Good luck and keep up your great work.

  2. Congratulations, im glad we have a real Arsenal supporter writing in the programs!

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