Today, 16 July we have the anniversaries of two players who played a significant part in the history of Arsenal – Joe Baker and Bob Wilson.
You can read more about them here
16 July 1962 Joe Baker joins Arsenal
16 July 1963 Bob Wilson signs
Arsenal History Society has an anniversary list which we started just a few months ago, and which we really need help in building. If you have a moment please do have a look at the list
and then write in below with any dates and details that you think we have missed.
You will see that around some parts of the year we have a lot of information, but elsewhere it is very thin on the ground – and that is where we need your help.
Incidentally if you are into this kind of thing there is also the start of a year by year chart – Arsenal’s Chronology – and again to complete this we want help.
We have, on this site, already developed the definitive analyses of Arsenal’s managers in chart form and we are extending this as we go (see the link on the home page) so we are hoping that the Anniversary and Chronology sections will also expand.
Meanwhile to Bob Wilson – happy anniversary and our thoughts as always are with Joe’s family.