The Anniversary Files – Arsenal’s history day by day

The idea behind the Arsenal Anniversary Files is to give us something to celebrate or remember with affection, each day of the year.

The file is being compiled on a daily basis, as we move through the year, and the whole file can be seen on the link above.

Sometimes when we reach a date in history where a major event has never  been commented on before, a new article appears which links to the Anniversary Files and also to the manager of the time.

Other times, the article might already exist on the site – or at least one that is directly related to the event that is record.

That latter case has occurred on recent days:

26 February 1966: Joe Baker sold to Nottingham Forest for £65,000
27 February 1926: William Harper made his debut as a Scottish international.
So no new articles but instead, links to the main articles on Joe Baker and William Harper.
Thus the Anniversary Files are in part a gigantic anniversary event, and also a index to what has happened “on this day” in the history of the club.
If you have any ideas for something we should write about – or better still if you would like to write the piece yourself, please do write to me at   Just read through some of the anniversary articles and you will get the idea of the style we like.  Informative and informal I think summarises our approach.
While writing perhaps I could also add a note about the Managers Series, which is the other main index on the site.  You will find it at Arsenal Managers – and I think it is fairly explanatory from there.  I would also say I am not sure anyone has tried anything as big as this, starting from the managers and working out.
I hope you enjoy both files.
Tony Attwood
Chair AISA Arsenal History Society.

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