Celebrating 100 years of Arsenal in Islington
Friday 6th September 2013 marked the 100 year anniversary of Arsenal’s first ever match at Highbury against Leicester Fosse.
To mark the occasion the AISA Arsenal History Society has published “Herbert Chapman – Truth and Myth”, which examines many of the achievements of the first manager to bring silverware to Arsenal.
But we also ask in this booklet, “what was Chapman’s secret?” How did he turn a team and club that was middling at best into one that was the most successful in the country for a decade or more?
With my colleagues Andy Kelly and Mark Andrews, we’ve produced a publication that goes well historians have never gone before. We’ve looked at Chapman’s claims to fame, at the tactical changes Chapman brought, and what the great man did to the team that he inherited from his predecessor.The answers we have found are not what we expected – indeed one can safely say that you might as well tear up all the notions that you had. From the Henry Norris ban on big money transfers, to the notion that Chapman brought in all his own men, from the invention of the WM system to changing the name of the club – you can forget it all.
What Chapman did was quite different, and utterly amazing. Indeed so amazing that it is extraordinary that his story has not been properly told before.If you are a member of AISA then you will be sent a copy of theoklet as part of this year’s membership. If not, you can obtain it by joining AISA or by paying £5.00. To find out more please visit www.aisa.orgAnd however you get the publication, I think you are in for a surprise.Tony Attwood
I think ANDY
was the name of one of our scorers
That day…the other being George…
And no!..it was not the duo Wham!..,,