Arsenal anniversaries 22 June: the first AGM, Chapman takes up his post, Charlie signs

    Day by Day the stories – a key moment in Arsenal and footballing history for each day of the year Arsenal today:  What difference did last summer’s transfers make? Day by Day the videos– An Arsenal video for (almost) every day of the year in order. Here are the anniversaries 22 June 1893:  The first AGM of …

22 June: The day Herbert Chapman took over at Arsenal

  Day by Day: the videos – An Arsenal video for (almost) every day of the year in order.  Day by Day: the stories– a key moment in Arsenal and footballing history for each day of the year Arsenal in June – all the anniversaries day by day  The Arsenal videos: club by club by Tony Attwood Of all the days …

What happened to Arsenal on your birthday? Here is the data for 22 June

Many of the supporters I have talked with about the development of the Arsenal anniversary files have told me that on finding the whole set of 7000+ anniversaries on this set the first thing they have done is look to see what happened on their birthday. And I think of this because today, by chance, …

If we ever create “Arsenal Day” it has to be 22 June

By Tony Attwood OK I am biased – because 22 June is my birthday.  But it is also the day that made me think of creating the Anniversary Files of Arsenal – files that now contain over 5000 important Arsenal events, the largest collection ever gathered together. Of course it is a nerdy sort of …

Bob Turnbull born 22 June – Arsenal’s record scorer.

Robert Hamilton “Bob” Turnbull was born on the 1st anniversary of the foundation of Woolwich Arsenal (well, the anniversary of their first ever AGM) on 22 June 1893. He had a military training with the Royal Corps of Signals, and played initially for the Royal Engineers AFC – a club with a most illustrious history, …

99 Years Ago Today: Herbert Chapman became Arsenal manager

  The anniversaries for 22 June.  Today’s headline comes from 1925, 22 June 1893:  The first AGM of Woolwich Arsenal was held under the chairmanship of  Jack Humble; as the club’s first directors were elected ahead of entry into the Football League for the first time.  Humble later took a break as an Arsenal director but …

15 June: Arsenal buy Highbury

  Day by Day: the videos – An Arsenal video for (almost) every day of the year in order.  Day by Day: the stories– a key moment in Arsenal and footballing history for each day of the year Arsenal in June – all the anniversaries day by day  The Arsenal videos: club by club by Tony Attwood If ever there was …

8 June: Amidst Arsenal upheaval the offside rule changed

By Tony Attwood Day by Day: the videos – An Arsenal video for (almost) every day of the year in order.  Day by Day: the stories– a key moment in Arsenal and footballing history for each day of the year Arsenal in June – all the anniversaries day by day  The Arsenal videos: club by club It was one of the …

4 June: Chapman returns to England to talk about the vacancy at Arsenal

Day by Day: the videos – An Arsenal video for (almost) every day of the year in order.  Day by Day: the stories– a key moment in Arsenal and footballing history for each day of the year Arsenal in June – all the anniversaries day by day  The Arsenal videos: club by club On 11 May 1925 Arsenal advertised for a …

1 February 1921: Herbert Chapman returns to football

For details our Free Video Collection, and the “Arsenal Day by Day” series please see the notes below the article By Tony Attwood Herbert Chapman was manager of Leeds City of Division II when the first world war broke out and having taken up a job outside of football for the duration, he returned to …

The day Herbert Chapman took up his job at Arsenal

The list of the 270+ videos we have gathered commemorating events on individual days are to be found via this link.   We are also developing our video collection series in which we are gathering together the best videos we have against each club we have played in recent years – and adding some new ones to the …

Arsenal in the summer 2017: the signing of Lacazette

The Arsenal in the Summer series looks at what has happened to the club during the summer months, year on year.  Over 60 seasons have been covered in this series, and there is a full index here. It is extraordinary how Arsenal’s summers have changed and evolved over time and I do hope you find …

Arsenal’s first AGM, a great benefactor passes way, Chapman signs all on this day

I guess that most people who look at any sort of anniversary files take a particular interest in what happened on their birthday.   I’m no exception, and today is my birthday, which I am delighted to share with this being the date of the first ever AGM of Woolwich Arsenal FC – as the …

When Arsenal’s 15 year plan to become the biggest club in the league, came to fruition.

By Tony Attwood In our last episode we saw Arsenal manager Leslie Knighton either resign or be sacked from Arsenal immediately the 1924/5 season was over, and then rather peculiarly seemingly work out two week’s notice.   During that time an advertisement appeared in Athletic News advertising the post of manager at Arsenal. We also considered …

Woolwich Arsenal begins, Chapman arrives, our first benefactor dies

The Arsenal Anniversary Files Below are the Arsenal (and occasionally one or two non-Arsenal) anniversaries for today taken from the complete files of over 6000 Arsenal anniversaries which appear on the Arsenal History Society website.  An index to the Anniversary files can be found in the left column of this site under “Pages” The current …

Norris breaks free, transfer fees spiral, terrorism returns, fixtures look awful. Arsenal – Summer of 1922.

By Tony Attwood This article covers the summer of 1922.  There is an index to the main articles in the series covering the most controversial elements of Sir Henry Norris’ time at Arsenal at the foot of the page.  The full index to the articles in this series appears on the page Henry Norris at …

Why did Arsenal manager Knighton turn down Man City but not buy players? Summer of 1921.

by Tony Attwood June 1921 was not exactly a time of fun and laughter in the UK.  In politics the Parliament of Northern Ireland assembled for the first time as the Irish war continued.  In a Westminster by-election and “Anti-Waste” candidate (meaning against any government involvement in industrial redevelopment, supporting the poor etc) won the …

Henry Norris at the Arsenal 11: 1912 and Arsenal plan to move away from Plumstead

By Tony Attwood In the last article we reached the transfer of Dick Roose to Arsenal while Arsenal struggled to recapture the form that led to a mid table finish in 1910/11. The arrival of Dick Roose in 1912 was a masterstroke by Norris, putting Woolwich Arsenal back on the back pages, as it were.  The …

Henry Norris at the Arsenal part 10: the summer and autumn of 1911

By Tony Attwood Arsenal had had a run of 11 games without defeat at the end of the 1910/11, and an overall increase in attendances of almost 10% over the previous season.  This was not enough to scoop back the huge losses in crowd numbers Arsenal had suffered from their heyday when they were the …

The end of Knighton, Herbert Chapman’s arrival, the truth about “WM” and a new club high

I have recently been writing about Arsenal’s summers – simply because no one seems to have gathered the summer pre and post season campaigns and signings together before.  But I have had several comments to the effect that it would be even better if a similar style could be used but for the whole season …

1925: Arsenal’s pre-season. The arrival of Chapman

By Tony Attwood Before Chapman arrived Defeat to Liverpool on 3 January 1925 started a run of 6 consecutive defeats during which Arsenal scored 2 goals.   Worse, in utter desperation on 14 January 1925 the Arsenal manager started experimenting by giving drugs to the Arsenal players – as he revealed in his later memoires. On …

1893: the first Arsenal pre-season

by Tony Attwood I started this series of articles about Arsenal’s pre-season campaigns simply because I couldn’t find a comprehensive record anywhere else and I kept wanted to check details.  I could see the results of friendlies, of course, and separately the transfers, but no overall view of what happened in each pre-season. But now, …

1983 pre season: the horrors of being an Arsenal supporter

By Tony Attwood Oh the horrors of being an Arsenal supporter in the early 1980s! 1982/3 was part of the era of Liverpool dominance  – they won the European Cup, League Cup and the First Division.  It was also the era in which all players who qualified to play for England played in England.  And …

James Bigden; part of the WHU exodus to Arsenal

. James Bigden was born in the West Ham region of London in 1880 and played first for Gravesend United before joining West Ham in 1901 (sorry I don’t have the date), with whom he was celebrated as a key player, making 91 appearances and scoring 5 goals. West Ham at the time were a …