Do you know your Arsenal history? Would you like to contribute to this site?

The heart of our work at the moment is to expand the Anniversary section of the site – although we are also interested in continuing to develop the Arsenal Managers section.

If you know of an anniversary that we have missed or which we have not yet written up, or if you can add an article that could fit into our “manager by manager” series I’d love to hear from you.

Probably the best approach is to write to me first (  If you just want to tell me of an anniversary that is missing, that’s great and I’ll add it with an acknowledgement.  If you want to write a whole article about a person or event that hasn’t been covered yet, the best thing to do is either to search using the search facility at the top of the page, or drop me a line.

The only reason for this is that we have quite a few articles that are not yet archived properly, so can easily be missed.

Where we are particularly weak is with events from 1998 onwards – so if you can add any to the anniversaries list, that would be great.  Really important matches, the signing or departure of specific players, births and deaths of players and managers… they should all be incorporated into the anniversary file, and then cross referenced with the manager file.

Last we have a range of other series.  If you find an article that has not been properly cross referenced, or you want to add an article to a series, do drop me a line, and as long as we haven’t already covered it somewhere, I will almost certainly say yes, as long as it is written from an Arsenal point of view.

Here’s the list of other series.

The complete index of series on this site….

I look forward to hearing from you.

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