The list of the 270+ videos we have gathered commemorating events on individual days are to be found via this link. We are also developing our video collection series in which we are gathering together the best videos we have against each club we have played in recent years – and adding some new ones to the list as we go. Here is the list of clubs covered so far… the latest addition is Manchester City
- Aston Villa
- Brighton
- Burnley
- Crystal Palace
- Chelsea
- Everton
- Fulham
- Newcastle
- Liverpool
- Manchester City – latest addition
- Manchester United
- Sheffield Utd
- Tottenham Hotspur
- West Bromwich
- West Ham
- Villareal
Today’s Arsenal anniversaries are published below. We don’t have a video for this day but another collection from a particular club will go up shortly.
The Arsenal History Society is part of the Arsenal Independent Supporters Association – a body which gives positive support to the club, and has regular meetings with directors and senior officials of the club to represent the views of its members to the club. You can read more about AISA on its website.
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100 Years in the First Division: the absolute complete story of Arsenal’s promotion in 1919.
And here are … the anniversaries
28 June 1913: Arsenal gained possession of the Gillespie Road site for the first time thus leaving them just 10 weeks before the first match of the season to make the ground ready. There is no record of the club making any arrangements to have matches played elsewhere in the event of the ground not being ready.
28 June 1913: Joseph Lievesley signed from Sheffield Utd who had bought him after having been beaten by Southern League Swindon, for whom he played. Swindon’s victory in 1908 was one of the great cup shocks of the era; Lievesley went on to play in the FA’s tour of South Africa in 1910.
28 June 1919: Five years and a day after the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand the Treaty of Versailles was signed, finally confirming the end of hostilities.
28 June 1921: Reg Boreham joined Arsenal from Wycombe. Although Bernard Joy said of him “His sparkling displays nearly gave him an England professional cap as well as amateur ones,” we know little of him save for the fact that he played 53 games and scored 18 goals for Arsenal. See also here.
28 June 1922: Archie Roe signed from Castleford Town; one of eight players who made his first appearance for Arsenal in the 1922/3 season. However he only had four games for Arsenal before moving on.
28 June 1923: Harry Woods joined Arsenal from Newcastle U. He served his country in the Tank Corps in France during the war, and then played for South Shields before moving to Newcastle United in January 1922 for £2600 – a fee that for a few months was the world record.
28 June 1928: John “Alex” Mackie transferred to Portsmouth for whom he made 257 appearances over seven seasons, including playing in the FA Cup finals of 1929 and 1934.
28 June 1929: Stan Charlton born in Exeter. His father played for Exeter and Crystal Palace while Stan junior started his career with Bromley, moved to Leyton Orient in 1952, then Arsenal and played 80 league games for the club.
28 June 1998: France v Paraguay. Manu Petit played in the first ever “golden goal” game in the world cup. It was an experiment that was quickly abandoned.
28 June 2000: Davor Suker joined WHU on a free transfer. He later moved to 1860 Munich, and later became president of the Croatian Football Federation and worked as a football agent. In 2015, Croatian Journalists’ Association accused Suker, then the president of the Croatian Football Federation of preventing freedom of information and for physically blocking journalists from reporting and doing their work
28 June 2013: Sanchez Watt joined Colchester after a period on loan. It was the last of six loan deals during his time at Arsenal and he went on to be a regular player for Colchester. In 2018/19 he played for Hemel Hempstead.
28 June 2020: After the prolonged break due to the corona virus Arsenal played their fourth catch up match as clubs tried to finish the 2019/20 season. Having lost the first two games after resumption but won the third, Arsenal won again, beating Sheffield United 1-2 away in the FA Cup.